Create Campaign

To create a new abandoned cart campaign click on Add New button which is located at header section of abandoned cart listing grid. Similar to Sending Broadcast screen, this page is also divide into two section which looks like below image.

Inside left section you can describe your campaign title, targeted audience, status, and notification setting. While in right section you can compose abandoned cart message series, we'll explain message series later in this article.


Campaign Title

Describe your campaign title to easily identify it.

Target Audience

In this setting you can define target audience condition which applies to your subscribers list. Similar to broadcast target audience, you need to specify rule condition for ALL or ANY matched condition. You can set ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITION to include all those subscriber who're matched in any of specified rule. While in case of ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITION option system will select all matched rules subscribers.

After selecting rule condition, you can define rule which suitable for your requirements. You can apply below listed rule fields to filter your audience:

  • All customers this will apply to all subscribers.

  • Subscribers rule apply to Facebook page subscribers with below fields

    • Gender of subscriber

    • Locale used for subscriber localization

    • Subscribed i.e. opt-in date of subscriber

    • Last interaction date of subscriber

    • Full name of subscriber

    • First name of subscriber

    • Last name of subscriber

    • Timezone of subscriber

  • eCommerce rule match value with cart data, you can utilized below fields for eCommerce rule.

    • Grand Total tries to match value with cart grand total value

    • Item Count which mean number of

    • SKU value will tries to match with product SKU added in cart

  • Billing Details fields compare the rule with cart billing address attributes which are mentioned below.

    • Billing Country

    • Billing State

    • Billing City

    • Billing Region

    • Billing Postcode

  • Shipping Details similar to billing this field value will try to match with shipping address attributes

    • Shipping Country

    • Shipping State

    • Shipping City

    • Shipping Region

    • Shipping Postcode

Each fields have their own criteria for comparing value.

Important: 1. It's recommend to not use Billing and Shipping Details rule in target audience, because most of the customer haven't mention their address while adding product to cart. In such cases your rule won't be matched with all those abandoned cart data and customer will not included in abandoned cart message list. 2. All those subscriber who opt-out by themselves through unsubscribe keywords or who're soft opt-out through Botgento Subscriber page are not included in recipient list. 3. Your subscriber limit will be applied as per your website subscription plan into Botgento sending message is restricted beyond that limit. Check Botgento pricing page for more detail about subscriber limit.

Message Series

Botgento offers you to publish more than one messages in a single campaign. While creating abandoned cart campaign system will add one message which you can modify as per your needed. To create a new message click on ADD NEW button, which shows you a modal for message configuration. Furthermore, you can edit or view preview of message once they are configured. See below image for more detail.

Inside message modal window, you can find configuration related to that message.


Describe message title in this field to easily identify. You'll get revenue stats on message wise also so make sure you apply unique name to all message name.


In this field you can specify schedule frequency of that message. You can set any numeric value with hours and days frequency.

Before receipt

Whatever you entered in this field, it will be send to recipient before cart reminder.

Product - Title

In this field you can set title for abandoned cart product list which will be send to abandoned cart recipient. You can utilize emoji's or predefined variable of product attributes which will be substitute before sending the message.

Supported Variable



This variable will be replace with actual product name


This variable will be replace with product SKU


Product description will be set to this variable


This variable will be replace with product short description


This variable will be replace with Magento store base currency symbol


This variable will be replace with product final price

Contact us at if you want to add other product attributes

Product - Subtitle

This value will be shown below the product title field. Same as product title, you can add predefined variable and emoji's to personalize your message.

After receipt

Same as before receipt, text set in this field will be send after abandoned cart details.

Action Buttons

Enter your call to action (CTA) button title in this field. This CTA button will be send after all messages is delivered.

All of above field has its own character limitation as per Facebook message limit, you can find remaining character counter while focusing any of this field.

Before creating and enable abandoned cart campaign, make sure crontab for Magento store is enabled and working without any error otherwise cart reminder functionality won't work properly.

Congratulation🎉 Abandoned cart campaign is publish which will recover lost cart and convert them into revenue.

You can submit your concerns to our help center.

Last updated