For Magento 2


  • Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, and 2.2.x


  • Backup your Magento store file system and database before uninstalling the extension.

  • Recommend to perform on a development server.

  • Highly recommend contacting your technical team for this operation.

Uninstalling with composer

To uninstall the extension in Magento 2 using composer, follow below steps:

Step 1: Connect your Magento server via SSH terminal and change the working directory to Magento root.

Step 2: Enabled Magento maintenance mode with the following command

$ php bin/magento maintenance:enable

Step 3: Disable cache with below command

$ php bin/magento cache:disable [cache-type] [cache-type]

You'll get the cache-type list using $ php bin/magento cache:status command.

Step 4: Disable Botgento extension by executing below command

$ php bin/magento module:disable Botgento_Base

Step 5: Remove Botgento extension package with composer remove command, copy below command and execute in Magento 2 root directory:

$ composer remove "botgento/facebook-messenger-chatbot"

Step 6: Perform the Magento setup upgrade, dependency compilation, cache cleaning and regenerate static content.

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:complie
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Step 7: Enable cache with below command

$ php bin/magento cache:enable [cache-type] [cache-type]

You'll get the cache-type list using $ php bin/magento cache:status command.

Step 8: Disable Magento maintenance mode with the following command

$ php bin/magento maintenance:disable

Step 9: Check core storefront pages home, categories listing, product detail, cart/checkout pages. Also, check if your website is fully functional or not. Contact your technical team if you are running any issue.

Uninstalling manually

To uninstall the extension in Magento 2 manually, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Connect your Magento server via SSH terminal and change the working directory to Magento root.

Step 2: Enabled Magento maintenance mode with the following command

$ php bin/magento maintenance:enable

Step 3: Disable cache with below command

$ php bin/magento cache:disable [cache-type] [cache-type]

You'll get the cache-type list using $ php bin/magento cache:status command.

Step 4: Disable Botgento extension by executing below command

$ php bin/magento module:disable Botgento_Base

Step 5: Remove Botgento extension files with below commands, make you execute given Magento 2 project directory:

rm -R vendor/botgento/*
rm -R app/code/Botgento/*

Step 6: Perform the Magento setup upgrade, dependency compilation, cache cleaning and regenerate static content.

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:complie
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Step 7: Enable cache with below command

$ php bin/magento cache:enable [cache-type] [cache-type]

You'll get the cache-type list using $ php bin/magento cache:status command.

Step 8: Disable Magento maintenance mode with the following command

$ php bin/magento maintenance:disable

Step 9: Check core storefront pages home, categories listing, product detail, cart/checkout pages. Also, check if your website is fully functional or not. Contact your technical team if you are running any issue.

Botgento does not liable for any loss of data or broken functionality which already exists before deleting the extension. In case, you face any issue with Botgento extension, please contact immediately at See our terms and conditions for more detail.

Last updated