
The gallery control is a structured message that includes a image, title, subtitle, redirection URL and button.

Click on Gallery icon, you will get gallery control inside compose editor.

To create a scrollable gallery carousel, just click on plus icon which is located next to gallery control. You can add up-to 9 controls in single carousel gallery.



This is the mandatory field while sending gallery control. You can upload maximum 5 MB of image and supported file type is PNG, JPG, JPEG, and GIF.


Along with image, title field is also required for gallery control.You can personalize title text with predefined variables and emoji's and add up-to 80 characters. Supported predefined variables are loaded when you try to change this field.


This field is optional and rendered beneath title while sending gallery template. You can set maximum 80 characters content to this field.


If mentioned in gallery control, your user will be redirect to that URL while tapping on gallery image.


You can set optional CTA button to gallery template. Similar to text control you can define 4 different types of buttons.

  • Open web page allows you to set external URL link on button tapping.

  • Call number used to make call on specified number.

  • Blocks allows you to choose your existing block as response. You can select multiple block in single response.

  • Action type is used to set button responded with predefined actions. Here actions reference to SHOPMORE, MY ORDER , MY WISHLIST, SUBSCRIBE, and UNSUBSCRIBE.

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